I'm fit to burst with pride. Didn't our little isle look deadly on the telly? And it's being beamed into countries all over the world. Between Barack's visit (we're on first name terms now) and Lizzie last week and Leinster winning at the weekend Ireland is certainly on a roll. All over the land people sat glued to their televisions open mouthed at the sight of one of the most powerful men in the world delivering an address to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up in Dublin. And he talked to someone's Ma on their mobile - I'd say the secret service were having a canary. And this after a walk about in Moneygall - he's one of the O'Bamas of Moneygall don't y'know - where he supped a pint and had a look at his ancestral home, the home his ancestors left because of poverty and starvation.
Barack Obama epitomises the American dream, the dream of possibility. And he told us that - told us to believe in ourselves and his famous 'yes we can'. I certainly felt empowered by what he said. And his cupla focail were perfectly intoned, he had a grand blas. G'wan Barack, ye good ting!
But top marks of the day have to go to our own Enda Kenny. He gave a rousing speech to introduce President Obama and I admired his delivery of that speech, he is an impressive orator not something I realised before this. It set me to wondering. Mebbe our Enda is our very own leprechaun?Mebbe it is he who has the map to the pot of gold? He certainly seems to have a magic touch and since he took on the role of Taoiseach the country's profile has been high for lots of good reasons. I hope we can make capital on that profile and exposure on the world scene over the next few months.
We have a great little nation, let's keep it great.
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