I am a complete cynic when it comes to magic, fairies, angels etcetera. But I have been moved recently from cynic to ‘well, maybe…’. We must be open to everything, for without openness and a willingness to observe and learn how on earth can we grow into the beautiful rounded human beings we ought to be?
My dear friend Sam Stone, a man with a wonderful story to tell is life partner of the beautiful Debra Reynolds from Naas in Co Kildare. Debs is a ‘hedge’ witch – so called because she belongs to no coven, rather she practises her craft alone and has a deep and abiding belief in the possibilities of a good potion or incantation delivering to one ones heart's desire. Debs and a friend recently set up a card-reading business, they arrive at your house where you have gathered together a group of friends/family and host a card party for these ‘Soul Sisters’. For a fee of thirty euro a head Debs or Karen Pickering (her friend) will read either Angel cards or Tarot cards for you.
There is something about both these women. Something indefinable – which we of course immediately attempt to label, define, put in its box and file under ‘that’s that’. You would immediately feel you have known these ladies all your life when you meet them. They are intuitive, spiritual, good people and you know they will listen to you, assuage your fears and above all give you hope for the future. Yes, there’s a fee – but it’s a damn sight cheaper than a therapist’s or counsellor’s fee or than handing over your life, morals etcetera to any organised church.
They say God is dead in the Western World, since Darwin’s theory was expounded and people became more literate and educated and realised that the creationist theory put forward in the Bible might be just that, a theory, story, parable. This, coupled with the cover-ups on child abuse in the Catholic Church, means that many have turned their backs on organised churches. People want the freedom to think for themselves, to connect with their inner selves and above all to find peace and contentment in the hurly burly now, now, now world we of the first world live in.
Debs and Karen provide this moment’s stillness. They listen to you, observe reactions and – as both ladies firmly believe in their powers as seers- read the cards as they fall. If you are open to what the ladies are trying to do you will gain a lot from your session with them. I’d certainly recommend them to any of my friends.
Apart from all that it’s a great excuse to gather together a bunch of friends and neighbours, chat and laugh and have a few drinks. As it was my house of course there were songs that had to be sung. And no better man to sing them than my Jemser! Sam (Deb’s hubby) went to the pub with Jem while the ladies weaved their magic and they rejoined us at the end of the reading sessions.. We had a great night. There is so little time to share with our friends and neighbours now that the moments we do get together are all the more precious. I had to work today so I scarpered to bed at the witching hour and left Jemser singing with the rowdiest bunch of North County Dublin housewives you have ever heard. They left once everything alcoholic in the house had been drunk and every song they all knew was sung. I know it was bright out when I heard the front door slam for the last time!
So ‘gwan- do yourselves a favour – get your pals together and contact Debs at debrareynolds95@yahoo.co.uk . You won't regret it.
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